Watch Chhota Bheem aur Mahavinashini ka Vinaash Full Movie

New Movie Chhota Bheem aur Mahavinashini ka Vinaash




Bheem team and Mishti enjoys the festive season, new clothes, music and fun. Buri pari and Charaki plans to disturb them. Charaki plans to call Mahavinsahi in the scene and take revenge from Bheem. Buri Pari warns her and tell her that Mahavinashi is dangerous and can absorb their powers as well. Finally Charaki convinces Buri pari as their common target is Bheem.

Charaki enters and whole Raunak City is into doldrums. Abhimanyu and Inspector Surya thinks these are asteroids falling on earth. Bheem fights with Mahavinashi but finally she manages to turn Bheem into a weak and old person.

Achchi Pari comes in the scene and takes Bheem and kids to Achchi City where Bheem gets back his energy. Achchi Pari tells Bheem to get the magical weapon from Gyan Mahal to destroy Mahavinashi. Bheem manages to get the magical weapon and also get to know a secret about MahaVinashi. Bheem on the other hand uses his powers and finally defeats MahaVinashi and save the planet.